Thursday, July 8, 2010

Different Perspectives

I follow a lot of blogs nowadays, fellow mothers of dead babies, what a great group to be a part of...not. I follow one blog that is called "Still Life 365." It is a collaborative art blog, a "year of art by mothers, fathers and family members grieving babies." Todays post was a very simplistic yet beautiful acrylic painting. The words painted on it were what struck me most:

I have never thought of your life or death this way but wow, truer words have never been spoken. I truly did hold you for every second of your life. For almost 5 months it was you and me baby, you knew me inside and out, I just wish I could have known you the same way. I do feel blessed that you knew me, your mommy, for your whole life and you lived a beautiful, comfortable and loving life in my womb. For that I am so thankful.


  1. That is so beautiful and so made me cry..:(

  2. I saw that post too and the words really got me. It is so true. I held Jacob every minute of his life. When I get really worried about how he felt when he died, I remind myself that I was holding him when he passed, he was warm and was being held by the person who loves him the most.

  3. Hello!
    I was up in Grand Marais MN this week and wrote some names in stones on one of the beaches. I wrote Dash's name so please email me at if you would like a copy of the pic.

  4. wow. thank you so much for sharing that. i LOVE the thought that if kenny couldn't grow up with us, then i got to hold him for every second of his short, sweet life.

  5. Hey Angela-haven't heard from you in awhile! Just wanted you to know I still think of you and Dash often. Xoxo
